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Eating Disorder Rehab

Recent surveys have estimated that nearly five million Americans suffer from some form of eating disorder every year. These aren't people who occasionally have a wild weekend and overeat or skip a meal to fit into a wedding dress. The five million Americans with eating disorders are dealing with severe, life threatening conditions such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating, compulsive eating and obesity.

We live in a society built on body image. When there is a disconnect between those images and our own self-esteem problems can occur with the one substance we all can't live without: food.

People who suffer from eating disorders can ultimately turn themselves around without any professional help, but nearly 20% of those people don't overcome their disorder and end risking serious health complications. On the other hand, half of all people who seek out treatment for eating disorders achieve a level of complete recovery with an additional 25% finding some level of success.

Finding Support for Eating Disorders Through Rehab
Too often people suffering with eating disorders do so in silence. Their friends and family can see obvious changes in their physical appearance, but the shame of the disorder allows the sufferer to deflect and lie about those changes. On some level it is easier to recognize a drug or alcohol addict then it is to recognize a person with an eating disorder. That is why finding support through rehab is essential to overcome an eating disorder. A person who can surround themselves with experienced therapists and counselors will have a stronger chance at recovery.

The first phase of rehab treatment is a complete medical and psychological assessment. Although eating disorders are the general category there are many specific types of disorders that affect each patient differently. Only with a complete understanding of the patient's history can an effective course of treatment be prescribed.

Changing Habits
A patient who is finding help with a rehab facility will be working closely with nutritionists and therapists to modify their behavior and have them develop a healthy relationship with food. Eating disorders are psychological in nature which means deep, introspective work needs to be accomplished with the patient in order to get at the foundation of the disorder. Most of this work is carried out in therapy sessions. Whether this is direct patient to therapist talks or in group counseling sessions, it is important that the patient feel they are in a safe place. The rehab environment is equal parts structured and nurturing.

As the emotional therapy work continues, the physical therapy involves adapting healthy eating habits by developing nutritious meal plans. This work isn't just about the food that is on your plate, but how that food gets there. There will be lessons in grocery shopping and cooking. These are basic functions for most people. However, for those in the gripes of an eating disorder a trip to the grocery store can be a traumatic event. That has to be dealt with and worked through.

Bringing in the Family
The most important aspect of eating disorder rehab is helping the patient return to their daily routines. This will mean working closely with family and friends to make sure the recovery can continue. If the patient's environment is the cause of the disorder then obviously that needs to be changed. The transition from rehab to outside life is extremely important. This is where the potential for relapses exists.

As with any form of recovery, moving beyond eating disorders takes time. With strong coping mechanisms and the support of loved ones, the patient can get their life back on track.