Recent ReviewsNarconon South TexasHarlingen, Texas | See other Texas rehab reviews17697 ABD Road Harlingen, Texas 78552 Interview from Teresa Are you male or female? Teresa: Female How old were you when you attended this facility? Teresa: 45 Describe your addiction: Teresa: I was smoking meth Why did you choose to go to rehab? Teresa: I was in an abusive relationship Why did you choose this facility? Teresa: I didn't. My brother sent me there How long were you in this rehab facility? Inpatient or outpatient? Teresa: 4 months inpatient What is this facility's approach to the treatment process? Teresa: It was a scientology based rehab What do you think this rehab facility does well? Teresa: Puts you in a sauna to sweat out your drugs What could this facility do better? Teresa: Offer counselling Overall do you feel your treatment here was successful or not? Teresa: Yes it really taught me how to confront my problems and be in present time Did you relapse after treatment? Teresa: Yes I relapsed 6 months after but I am clean now and loving it Would you recommend this facility to a friend or a family member? Teresa: Yes if you want to have good length clean time What general advice would you give to somebody dealing with addiction? Teresa: There is help out there and people who understand Have you been to any other rehab facilities? Teresa: This is my only rehab |