
Recent Reviews

Peninsula Recovery Center San Pedro

San Pedro, California | See other California rehab reviews

1386 W 7TH ST
San Pedro, California 90732-3517

Interview from Zappa0
Why did you choose this facility?
Zappa013: Health Insurance coverage

Tell us about the experience - was it positive or negative?
Zappa013: Negative - no valuable treatment beyond initial detox is provided. Post detox consists of ineffective 12 Step and religious faith healing.

Do you feel the program was successful?
Zappa013: No

What advice would you give somebody considering going to this facility?
Zappa013: Be absolutely aware that 12 Step dogma and religious faith healing will be shoved down your throat and the staff will make every attempt possible to convince you that unless you succumb to those particular beliefs, you will NEVER recover from addiction. Your only other options will be jails, institutions, or dying from an early death for non-compliance.