Recent ReviewsCornell/WilmerWilmer, Texas | See other Texas rehab reviews200 Greene Road Wilmer, Texas 75172 Cornell Wilmer (actually, it is more accurately known as the Dallas County Judicial Treatment Center) is meant to be an alternative to incarceration. For this reason the program might at times feel more like jail or prison than a traditional rehab facility. This is a 2-step program that aims to give you the tools and resources you need to become (and stay) sober. Interviews from KCBaby, Son Why did you choose this facility? KCBaby: court ordered....or 10yrs in prison Sonya: Court Ordered. My Judge told me I was well on my way to RECOVERY. Tell us about the experience - was it positive or negative? KCBaby: the only hell there really was, was waiting in that filthy, nasty jail. that is by far the most degrading place ive ever been. the guards are very abusive to us Sonya: At first I was in denial about my problem, but after I was there and realized there was a problem things got better and were very positive. Do you feel the program was successful? KCBaby: yes the program helped me alot. only bc it kept me off the streets for 9mths. the counseling was shitty, and the staff were disrespectful and very controlling. it taught me patience, and tolerance Sonya: For me the program was very sucessful. I am truly grateful. It saved my life. Thank You What advice would you give somebody considering going to this facility? KCBaby: if u r ready for a 2yr program and ready to stop using i would suggest u go there. if not go ahead and do ur time Sonya: If you are really tired of living in your addiction give this program a chance. SURRENDER! It really work if you work it. Learn a new way to live. |