Recent ReviewsThe Gonzalez Recovery ResidencesWabasso or Vero Beach, Florida | See other Florida rehab reviewsPrivate Address Wabasso or Vero Beach, Florida 32970 Interviews from Joan, William Why did you choose this facility? Joan: Refferal/reputation. William R.: Reputation, luxury-orientation, and long-term program Tell us about the experience - was it positive or negative? Joan: Positive. I was there for 2 years. I developed all of the skills to identify warning signs of relapse. It was an enjoyable, stress-free experience. The staff really went above and beyond to assist me. William R.: Very positive, you get an entirely different set of coping skills from this place as they SLOWLY throw everything at you that might cause you to relapse and give you incredible support the whole time. You've got to find a job, interact with your family, and be social- all without using. I was actually prepared to go back to "real life" when I left. 24/7 help/ mentoring was key. Do you feel the program was successful? Joan: Yes. William R.: Definitely, you don't just get sober in isolation rather this place brings sobriety to YOUR life. It's professionals only so you're surrounded by other motivated people and brilliant staff which helps a lot. What advice would you give somebody considering going to this facility? Joan: Listen. Communicate. Learn. Follow the program. Stay as long as you need to. These people are incredible! William R.: Understand that while a minimum of 1 year sounds impossible, it took time to develop your addiction so it takes time to ACTUALLY rid yourself of it. The time (and commitment) may scare you, but let that key you into how addicted you really are. Use the staff and let them help you find MEANING- they aren't just there to get you sober but to find a meaningful life. |