Recent ReviewsKaiser Permanente Rehab, San DiegoSan Diego, California | See other California rehab reviews3420 Kenyon Street San Diego, California 92110 Interview from AlienAng Why did you choose this facility? AlienAngel: i already was being treated by a psych doc through kaiser, when i outed myself, they suggested the program. Tell us about the experience - was it positive or negative? AlienAngel: it was awesome. i went five days a week. their minimum requirement was 10 meetings a week. there were choices like art therapy, yoga, women's group, anxiety management, relapse prevention, stimulant abusers group, support groups and therapy groups. if therapist approved there was DBT, and survivers of abuse too. Do you feel the program was successful? AlienAngel: yes, it works if you work it. What advice would you give somebody considering going to this facility? AlienAngel: treat it like a job. take time off work. do what is suggested. try different groups, there are 21 therapists, so all have different perspectives. go to as many groups as you can, may as well. i called it the kaiser spa. |