Recent ReviewsMaple Grove at Henry Ford HospitalWest Bloomfield Township, Michigan | See other Michigan rehab reviews6777 West Maple Road West Bloomfield Township, Michigan 48322 This is one of Michigan's premier rehab facilities - days are spent in intensive therapy (including one-on-one therapy, group sessions, etc.). People who have been to this program report a high success rate. Interviews from James, T&C, PK, Kathie, Da Why did you choose this facility? James: Had a good reputation. Knew some friends that went there too. My parents found it and all I knew was that I needed help, so I decided to go. T&C: Most were court ordered, some were by choice, some were highly influenced. PK: I went to Maplegrove because it had the quickest OIP (intencive out patient), and i hear good reviews rom freinds and family. Kathie: self reconition Dana: Recommended through Behavorial Specialist at Henry Ford Tell us about the experience - was it positive or negative? James: Overall a really good experience. Most of the therapists are engaging and want to help. Weekly group meetings and activities were helpful, particularly the share groups. I participated in IOP (Intensive Outpatient) and am still currently attending the Early Recovery program. T&C: The experiences were living under complete control. When to do everything when not to do anything. To sleep not to sleep. A lot of mpeople from a lot of different places. Every class you attend you have to sign a sheet which is recorded and reported then billed somewhere. Especially the rehabs courts send you to. Health inspections from the health department were rarely seen. Estimated at 4 times a year there are a lot of health code infractions that are not being taken care of and/or in a timely matter. The classes were all at certain times, the same everyday of the week. PK: For the most part it went pretty well. You sit in a lecture for a couple hours, breaks, and group therepy. the lectures were boring and interesting at times. Break was nice to get to know everyone on a more personal level, and group was extreamly helpful. Kathie: the most poositive i was in the program you had back in 1993. Dana: It was the best thng I've ever done for myself. It was very difficult at times,in my day to day life I'm usually the one telling people what to do and the tabels are turned. Now,someone is telling you what to do and when. But I sure did appreciate my life when I came home. Do you feel the program was successful? James: Yes. Hey, I'm sober now, so something worked right? But in all seriousness they help you prepare for a sober life and the people you meet are in the same position as you. If you are willing to seek help and take advantage of the resources there, you will succeed. T&C: It depends on if you want to listen to someone tell you something that you do, do not or even kind of want to do. this is upon release if you can fololow their program everything will be ok. PK: I felt like the program really helped me become educated on drugs and made we realize i didnt need drugs. Kathie: very successful i am now 41 and have been clean for seven years now i stayed clean after the 1993 stay but fell back years later and used thwe tools you taught me to overcome my herion addiction THANK YOU!!! Dana: I have four years clean,so I would say YES very successful. What advice would you give somebody considering going to this facility? James: Go for it. No need for shame or worry, everyone is in the same position as you. I would highly recommend it. T&C: Don't Do Drugs. PK: Its a really nice facility but kind of price if u dont have good insurance. Dont be nevous your frist day either. You wont be in trouble if you come in dirty. Trust me, you will become great freinds with the people in the program with you. Kathie: take the life giving opportunity. this will save your life and change it for the better. Dana: I would say try it,what do you have to lose. The day I decided to go,I was given two choices,go on another benzo and slowly wein myself,or check in and detox. I chose to detox,and it worked for me. It was difficult,but I was and you are stronger than you think. |