Recent ReviewsSelf Recovery DemopolisDemopolis, Alabama | See other Alabama rehab reviews1716 U.S. 43 Demopolis, Alabama 36732 Interview from Meag Why did you choose this facility? Meagan: it was the only one medicad would pay for. that is the only insurence i had. Tell us about the experience - was it positive or negative? Meagan: it was negitive, i was sexually harassed by the former drug addict councilors, the directors sister was sleeping with people tryin to detox off drugs, it was not clean, we were always unattended, and it was a horrible experience all the way around i ended up relapsing when i got home Do you feel the program was successful? Meagan: not at all. if anything it was worse, people who were there to get better where takin others drugs it was nuts i wouldnt recomend it to anyone What advice would you give somebody considering going to this facility? Meagan: DONT DO IT!! |