Recent ReviewsSolid Rock Christian Ministries St. PetersburgSt. Petersburg, Florida | See other Florida rehab reviews4128 28th St. N. St. Petersburg, Florida 33714 Interviews from Shari, Carla, Kate, BewareFalseProphets, Rona Why did you choose this facility? Shari: I Chose a Faith Base Rehab and yes was court ordered to enter and complete ANY rehab facility. Carla: I chose this facility for the price, location, and the fact that it was faith based. Kate: I was awaiting a court date on a drug offense, and I wanted to go to rehab before the judge came up with something worse. I was also very close to death due to drug addiction, and I had no choice but to seek help. A close friend had just admitted himself at solid rock, and after I watched the testimonies they had posted on their website, I quit looking elsewhere. Vulnerable and desperate, I hastily chose to admit myself into solid rock's 28 day program. BewareFalseProphets: Faith-based healing and community assistance Ronald: I was being released from prison after spending 8 and a half years in and I was looking for a christian environment where I could address my addiction problem and Salvation Army had refused me supposedly because of a criminal mischief charge. A pastor at Solid Rock paid for my entry into the program as I did not have any money. Tell us about the experience - was it positive or negative? Shari: I would highly recommend Solid Rock Christian Recovery For ANY type of addiction. They provide excellent tools to work with and and teach you how to use them.It was a Positive expierience all the way. Carla: Very, very, very negative!!! I have been to two other rehab facilities in a another state, and they were not faith based. I have had alcohol issues for years, but more recently, my issues were coupled with depression. An extremely long and nasty divorce, family problems, and a very recent choice of adoption for my daughter are the reasons I chose Solid Rock. I did do many hours of research, and thought that what Solid Rock had to offer was just what I needed. One of the Facility employees picked me from the airport, and first impressions were not good. But, I thought that it was my problem, being nervous being in a whole new environment, 1,700 miles from home, friends, and family. There are so many experiences at Solid Rock that my time there awful, no food being provided, air conditioning constantly breaking (in a Florida summer mind you), and lack of recovery classes, to name a few. Also, there was a gang rape that occurred in one of their "safe houses", to a woman resident, by 4 of the male residents, with a live in facilitator present. When the crime came to light, the staff did all they could to hide it, as to not hinder their reputation. The woman involved was my roommate, and men involved were in all the classes, church services, and meetings where I was present, hence I did not feel safe and protected in any shape, way , or form!! Last, but not least, the staff always claimed to have money problems, and the threat of bankruptcy was held over our heads, as if we were a financial burden. Mind you, every residents admission fee was $1500 (or more), and rent was $400 per month. I realize that may not seem like much, but when they pack you in like sardines, and in one apartment they are 5 to 8 residents, simple math shows that they need a CPA on staff. So, at the multiple church services required of you, tithing is pushed so hard that it seemed like desperation. I could write a complete book on the church services they held!! I felt like I was on a prank show and waiting for the camera crew to jump out!! The staff were so hard core, that if you did not worship like they did, jump up and down, cry and bawl, or fall to the ground in convulsions, than were not a true believer in God, and recovery was never going to happen for you, and hell was inevitable. All in all, my time at Solid Rock was nothing short of hell. They completely lied on their website, and on my many phone conversations with different staff members. I do not believe that they truly care about recovery. Residents were never exposed to outside AA or NA meetings, and were discouraged from attending them. Therapy, family, group, or individual, was non-existent. Every staff member were graduates of the "program", lived on the property, and were all involved in relationships or marriages within the congregation. If Solid Rock Ministries is not an occult of sorts, than I don't know what is. Kate: Though solid rock did provide me a place to dry out, that was the only good that evolved. I had nothing when I got there, just a falling apart car and an identity I was hoping someone would steal. The first 28 days cost $1500 and taught me nothing about...anything, other than religious teachings that were backed up by out of context scriptures. For 28 days I attended all day "recovery in christ" classes mixed with alcoholics anonymous meetings. This was from 8am to 3 or 4, and there were at least 3 "church" services per week that required mandatory attendance. Each service lasted between 2 and 4 hours, which would have been tolerable if the services hadn't been so obnxious and scary. They were a blatant mockery of christianity, in which people who had been smoking crack the day before were cackling like hienas, claiming to be speaking in tongues. During this first 28 days, I was assigned a counselor and a psychiatrist. The counselour only talked about God, which was not the issue I was there to resolve. The psychiatrist prescribed me a daily cocktail of 5 different mental health drugs, two of which were to counteract the negate be effects of the other pills. I could have dealt with that except I knew I would only be eligible for free meds for so long and no one was offering me any advice on how to get a job, or learn how to cope with life like a normal person. The staff encouraged me, a young woman, to request social security benefits for disability, and use my "deteriorated mental state" to ensure my being awarded benefits. Really, this and food stamps, along with rent vouchers and other forms of welfare are how I was encouraged to support myself. Nothing about self- sustanence or growing into a productive member of society. Also. there's a revolving door of self- appointed ministers, none of whom had any formal theological education. After my 28 days was up, I was promptly expected to come up with $600 per month for rent, even though I had been living in a cramped 2bed, 1bath apartment with 5 other women. Oh, and the staff wouldn't let men and women associate, but every single staff member lived on property with their spouse, both of whom had been through the rehab and were now solid rock ministers. Eventually I got kicked out because I made a choice that wasn't the rehab's business and had nothing to do with my recovery. Fortunately, I also had a paper trail, and when I went in front of the judge, she apologized to me for my misfortune, and on behalf of the a wouldnot get from the crook in charge at solid rock. BewareFalseProphets: "No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other, you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." -Matthew 6:24 This is the problem with Solid Rock. They are trying to serve two masters and anyone (who did not go into the program with wealthy parents or some other significant source of income) who has been in this program or has loved someone who has can attest to which one the management of Solid Rock is serving. This is a program of last resort and the majority of individuals who turn themselves over to it have addictions and/or other mental health issues. Theoretically, that is a very Christian thing to do and very much follows the words and deeds of our Lord, Jesus Christ. When my brother was seeking help far from home, I was thrilled that he decided to turn his life over to Jesus and find a new path. When I found out (after 28 days in which he was allowed no outside contact... again, I can understand the reasons why... no contact makes it easier for addicts to listen to the Word and deny the substances that have brought them to these dark places) that he was being counseled to discontinue his use of prescribed SSRI meds for Manic Depression, you could say I became a little concerned. Repeated calls to the numbers I had for both the general program and some woman's cell phone were not returned. My brother was told to speak in tongues, wave flags and command the Holy Spirit to heal him. His repeated assertions that God also created the medication that helped him to refrain from suicidal thoughts and self-harm were dismissed as a lack of faith. Other patients were allowed to continue taking both prescribed medication. Beyond that REASONABLE act, patients who used illicit drugs but were able to pay the $1500 monthly "rent" were allowed to continue their drug use unabated while others were kicked out of the program for lesser transgressions. Sadly, this is called a Christian program when it is so clearly nothing of the sort. For shame, you so-called men and women of Faith. In closing: "My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, “You sit here in a good place,” while you say to the poor man, “You stand over there,” or, “Sit down at my feet,” have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him?" - James 2:1-13 Ronald: It was extremely positive!!!! Most Of the staff are very loving and caring. They offer numerous self help classes, individual, family, and group therapy. If you are lacking for anything the staff goes out of there way to help you. Do you feel the program was successful? Shari: Yes, I feel the program is a success. I got a job while in the program. A year later Im doing Marketing and Networking For the entire Pinellas Co. Area for them! Carla: No, I do not feel that Solid Rock was successful in the way that they wanted to be. I had pre-paid $1500 for the first month, and obeyed all the guidelines for that month. Which included not leaving the property, or any access to the internet. Hence, being from out of state, having no references, no transportation, or connections, I did all that I could to find employment, but to no avail. So, two weeks after my $1500 was spent, they wanted the $400 immediately, and i could not provide, so I was given 4 hours to pack up and leave. Yes, 4 hours. How Christian of them. I am now 9 months sober, without any help form Solid Rock, and lessons learned. Kate: Not at all. After leaving I found much more affordable and comfortable and safer rehabilitation in a woman's halfway house. I am currently a full time college student with a 3.3 GPA and will be recieving an associate's degree next month- if I had stayed at solid rock I would be login off of government checks at 24. BewareFalseProphets: Clearly not. Ronald: Yes! the program was/is very successful in my case, mostly because I was open honest and willing to make the changes in my life that are necessary for recovery. It has not always been so. If you are not ready no program works... What advice would you give somebody considering going to this facility? Shari: Please take it one day at a time ..keep your ears open and stay focused. You will and can pick your self up, brush off and get on the right path that god will lead you to follow. Stay among the postive people not the negative ones Carla: NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!!! Kate: I strongly recommend small/ inexpensive halfway houses, but research them. Find out whatvhas become of the people who have left, and find out why they left. Check your resources. Many scam rehabs, like solid rock, are put together by former addicts who drain the remainders of the pockets of desperate addicts, only to throw them back on the street when the money runs out. Remember- these people have been the worst criminals and the best liars in history- do your homework before signing your name ANYWHERE. BewareFalseProphets: With a heavy heart, I would tell someone suffering from addiction to seek a secular or 12-Step program after this experience. This is not a program that follows either the Word or the Spirit of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This a shameful, evil misrepresentation of the Gospel and of the very basic medical knowledge used to treat both addiction and mental illness. Just because someone has a great Faith does not mean they will be blind to that Faith bring used to extort money in hope of recovery. I will pray for these people that they will know the error of their ways and find the true and righteous path I imagine they once set out on. May God have Mercy on your Souls. Ronald: Honestly ask yourself if: Am I ready to embrace GOD and have a true relationship with Jesus... If the answer is yes then this is the right place for you. |