Recent ReviewsSouth Oaks RehabAmityville, New York | See other New York rehab reviews400 Sunrise Highway Amityville, New York 11701 Interview from Ri Why did you choose this facility? Rick: The company I worked for sent me there. Tell us about the experience - was it positive or negative? Rick: It was not negative. I went to show a girlfriend I was serious about stopping drinking. While there I realised alcohol was the problem and I must stop so I did. When the compulsion left me I knew I had a chance to win and I was right. AA entertained me until I regained my life. Spotanious remission saved me. Wilson invented nothing. He changed the word sin to alcohol in the ideas of the Oxford Group and cllaimed them as his own. He was a theif, a womanizer and a liar. Untreated 5% of alcoholics will recover. AA recovery rate is 5%. AA does not increase recovery. see Penn & Teller "Bullshit" about 12 step programs. I recovered in spite of aa not because of it. AA will not tell the truth. Nobody makes money in AA is bullshit. Checkout the NYC plush offices and salaries. AA is a failed twentieth century religion whose offices are in the Inter-Church building in NYC. Do you feel the program was successful? Rick: What program? AA is not a program, it is a religion. The steps do not say do not drink alcohol. They say you were powerless over alcohol. So what? I am powerless over many things in life. Being away from my home, where I drank, and counting days away from a drink, started my recovery. I am now sober and clean more than 30 years. I needed to get a start and now I will never drink/drug again. I knew I needed to stop and I did not care if they prayed or made up some steps. I realized I WAS powerless over alcohol/drugs but I am NOT now powerless and never again will be. I no longer attend XA (AA,NA,SA...XA) meetings. What advice would you give somebody considering going to this facility? Rick: Disregard the 12-step religion and just let them talk while you dryout. Go to AA meetings until you have experienced life without alcohol and drugs then return to living without XA meetings. Be careful because in XA the inmates are running the assylum. If god got you sober then god got you drunk. You are responsible for your actions, not an imaginary higher-power. |